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Desolate Thinking

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Journey from productiveness to productiveness

Eliminate unproductive thoughts:-
In a full day we are creating n numbers of thought, if any activity or situation occurs, we keep thinking so much about it, that it reduces our mental power and energy. Hence, we have to take a minute and think about that thought. This will definitely help us to eliminate our unproductive thought.
We as a human being, actually not aware of thought power. Our Thoughts are really very power full things, it radiates in our surrounding and make our aura weak or strong.
For instance, if we continuously are creating very weak kind of thought like negative, hatred, fear etc. It will radiate and make our surrounding very weak, even makes our destiny very weak. So be aware of your thoughts quality. Don’t choose low category of thoughts, because it will also drag down your physical as well as mental energy level.
Try to eliminate those unproductive thoughts which are not necessary at all.
There are four kind of thoughts:
·         Negative
·         Positive
·         Necessary
·         Waste
Now it’s very easy to understand about your own thoughts category, which you are creating in whole day and making your destiny strong or weak. So be kind full for yourself, life is your. Don’t waste it. Live it full and enjoy it full.

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