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Won or lost

Won or Lost

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Things don’t go the way we want to. Either you change your approach or you change the situation.
Winning or losing is a relative term. You cannot judge a person if he has won or lost. That is the state of mind which gives an award to oneself.  Eg: earning lot of money sacrificing social and personal life may be winning to someone else, but on the other hand, it may not be a winning to another person, as he/she believes in earning relationships. So, in both the situation, both have won, in their own criteria.
You might have heard many times people saying that, I have very bad luck or I don’t like my job, my boss always shouts at me, my husband don’t understand my feelings, I don’t have a big car as my neighbor has. See, the basic funda behind all the above situation is mind has presumed the things and situations before even dealing with it, and created a thought that this thing is impossible for me. We say why don’t you try it out first then decide. Before even trying for anything you surrender yourself. So at least, try, you may get you may not. Anyhow you don’t have that thing with you now, so there is no question of losing it. Right?
In all the above situations, you will feel sense of negativity. And to be frank, it is not about the situation at all. It is about your reaction towards that situation. If you feel your day is bad, then it is for sure going to go bad. You’ll think “Oh! Shit. Today I am late,  I might probably get traffic at road. Then you’ll stick at traffic.

See.. brain works according to our command. If we train our brain to be happy it will give you happy thoughts only. If you keep your brain under extreme pressure and tension then it will produce negative and tensed thoughts. It has proven scientifically that 98% of our thoughts are from back flash or from unconscious thoughts. 
This is the reality how we taking the life, if we see positive side, we energies our brain, motivate and start our day with some goal, see opportunity everywhere, other wise loss everything. 

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