When you are angry, ask yourself, is it a solutions of your problems?

When you are angry with someone and you throw your anger on him, you are creating a chain reaction. Now he too will be angry. This may continue for lives and you will go on being enemies. Sometimes people hold their bad moments of past and get angry. They have so many reasons behind anger like failure,problems in relations, wrong Parenting etc.Anger harm both, The person who is angry and another person who is listening, it is harmful for both. Now the point is how can you end it? There is only one possibility. You can end it only in meditation, because in meditation you are not angry with someone: you are just stopping it because gradually you are going to get unoccupied from everything.
In meditation you are getting empty from everything like anger, anxiety, lust. In meditation emotions are not addressed.They are unaddressed.They move into the cosmos.Cosmos purifies you, clean your soul. It is like a ocean.
Thus, we can see with the help of meditation we can reduce the effects of anger and make healthy and beautiful life journey.
Thus, we can see with the help of meditation we can reduce the effects of anger and make healthy and beautiful life journey.