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Youth Power

Believe it or not, this generation’s youth has got all the power, and tool to use this power is – TIME.
By utilizing time properly, one can do everything time bound. But, unfortunately it doesn’t happen so. Now – a – days youth do not use their time wisely, instead they continue to waste it, and when they are unable to complete their task on time, they have this tendency to blame it on other’s head.
Why should we always expect someone to come and help us? God has given us the same mind which Einstein, Rutherford, Bill gates, Swami Vivekananda has, who has made renowned name in this world. We are made up of same atom, neutron, and proton, like anyone else. But, the only difference is individual’s mind. Everything controls and execute from MIND. You can win the world with your stable and focused mind. Whole universe will help you, when you start utilizing your time to do the best in your life. The only difference between great minds and ordinary minds: great people never waste their time, never consider defeat and failures as obstacles, on the contrary, they turn them into stepping stones to success, whereas ordinary people get discouraged and stop moving further.
Friends when we stop wasting our time and starts planning to do great things that will make societies beautiful we automatically become great people. We will think good, we will do good. Our name will be remembered in whole wide world.
We have to think it in that way; One day = 24 hrs=24*60 mins=86400 seconds. We are getting 86400 seconds in our one day, which everyone else is also getting. Some are doing their best in their field, some might have quit, and someone is exploring something. Now the real question is, what you want to do in those 86400 seconds. Do you want to be a quitter or an explorer or an achiever? Everything lies in your hand. People can be remembered in many ways, it is up to you, that you want to be just remembered or you want to be worth remembering?

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