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In this busy and fast running world, people always complaint that you don’t take out time for them. Your parent calls and need an explanation why you didn’t call or visit since last week or month. Your friends always fight, that you never pick up their phone calls or call them back. Your children… your siblings your spouse…. Why everyone is so furious at you. Don’t they understand we have a life? A life which we have to maintain and sustain can someone please go and tell my dad, doing job is not that easy as it was in your days. Please God… someone please explains my mother I don’t have time to chit chat over phone. What are friends for if they don’t understand the concept of busy schedule… why family always bullies me over and track me down to go with them at a stupid shopping mall.
I remember as a kid, I used to get everything. Obviously, being the eldest child amongst the siblings of 4, I happened to grew up more responsible and sharing prone sort of guy. Our father would come to home from work and pick me up first. He always asked me about how my day went, what did I do? Did any of my siblings misbehaved, and also if I need anything for myself. I would bluntly and happily tells everything to my father. My mother would stand right beside the curtain smiling at us. After our delicious dinner my mother would tuck me down to bed, stroke my hair from her thin long fingers. I always liked that. Without even knowing I fell asleep in no time. My father always taught me to be a nice human being. Time passed by and we are grew up soon. As I have studied well I got a very nice job outside the town, with a nice pay packet. My parents found me a very beautiful girl. We got married and soon we have our twin sons. 
Now, I did exactly what I have been told to, then why suddenly so much pressure has released on me? Why suddenly I am feeling suffocated. I have everything still feeling empty. I am very confused.
Friends.. Many a times we think that achieving certain things we will be happy. And satisfied in our life but in reality, we are not. Why is this so? Why this feeling of emptiness always haunts us? Why the higher salary or a big house / car do not give us happiness? For all the above questions, the answer is lying with us only.
Being focused in your work/job is really good, but leading an unfocussed family is very... very bad. Meeting with friends and family of your own should make you feel happy and it should not be a compulsion. Please set your priorities and boundaries between work and family, please take out time for those whom you claim you are earning for. Take out time for those who made to earn for. Take out time for those who have been on your side in good and in bad phase of life. Earning your loved one is much harder than earning your salary. Else, it will be hard to justify for whom & what for you are earning.

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