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Be you

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                   Do you ever think when you get up every morning what is your motive for that day? What you have to achieve today? What is the meaning of your existing? Do you just want to earn bread, or you really want to live your life.
                   It is important to be a part of a family, to be socially active among friends circle, with relatives, with your colleges, with children and with everyone. But, we always forget to spend time with one person, and that is YOU.
                   GOD has given life to you as well. Respect that, cherish that. Everyone is creator of their own life. If you have chosen to be your life like that, it will be like that only. Afterwards do not blame to God, that what kind of life he has given you. Compare your life to others. Really you please compare your life to every other person whom you know, and then you will get to know what you have.  
                   May how much busy you be, take out time for yourself first. If you be happy, then only you can keep anybody else happy. Then only you can fulfill your responsibility. If you take out time to smile, then only you can expect from others to give you that smile back.
                   Take out time to laugh, share, care, cry, smile, sleep, eat, read, take a walk, and sit alone for a while. Talk to your friend or your mother. Cook something YOU like. Watch a cartoon; go to a park or a museum. Watch children play. Live a life for you. Love your life which has given to you.

You have to be You sometimes.

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