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Inner grudge or rage is created when you are unsatisfied / upset with something or someone. Well… let me tell you something; inner grudge (heaviness) is something created by us only, and not by / due to anybody else.

For example: if you had a fight with your neighbor or colleague, or say you had a very bad day at work. You came home and started yelling and shouting with full of rage with your family members. In this case you have given outlet to your anger by spilling bad or unwanted words out of your mouth for no reason. You have to understand, it is one thing that you should share your emotions with your loved one, but it is absolutely uncorrected using this method. There are basically two reasons why one should not spurt in anger instantly:
i)             You will always live in guilt, that without any reason (or sometimes small mistakes) you have burst your anger to someone else. That might keep you awake for the whole night.
ii)           Secondly, you are shredding your negativity to those around you, who have got nothing to do with it. So.. after your reaction instead of cooling down, you will get more negative ora, when earlier it was only from one.
Friends, in real life you will come across many people who tells you what to do and what not to. Ultimately you have to understand that you are the proud owner of your beautiful life, or in other words, driver to your journey of life. Now.. it is you, who have to decide that whether you have to drive with joy or with sorrow.
Remember, keeping grudge for someone else is like preserving the rocks for someone which is of no use later. Either you can carry the burden on your shoulder throughout your life or you can drop off every stones one by one and can feel lighter, peaceful and relaxed.
I know, some of you must be feeling that it is nice to lecture someone, and hard to implement. But believe me, and I am telling from my own experience, “Getting angry is not the solution. On the contrary it will add up more burdens to your stressful life. Try to relax. Think that EVERYTHING YOU DO IS JUST A PART OF YOUR LIFE, AND NOT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

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