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Be focuse and stable


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Very easy to say anyone keeps your mind stable and focused on your goal but in reality it is very difficult.
Actually our mind moves according our past life experiences. And behave also on those already happened experiences. Our mind has store so much past information. All the time we are thinking about that information.
Now the point is what we are thinking all time, is it healthy for us? Of course not, because it just making us far away from present life. We are not enjoying our present. And gradually we just became thinking and over thinking person, even we are not able to see what is happening in our surrounding, in our family because we have just created our own world which is not related to real world. Over and over thinking completely destroy our present life than think how we make or create better future.

How you became focused and stable in life? 

First thing we have to engage ourselves in healthy activities. Make yourselves busy. When you get up in the morning start some breathing exercise, this will help to reduce your over thinking level. Do some physical exercise. Than start your daily routine. Try to change your bad habits into good one. Involve yourself in some healthy activities. Read some books by which you change your thoughts and behavior . Understand deeply what you doing can really making your whole life great or just you are spoiling your time as well as life.
Friends you are only the creator and destroyer of your life so always take healthy and proper actions.Enjoy your present.

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