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Feeling Good

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Enjoyment makes life worth living. It helps us feel better about ourselves, and it enables us to learn more from our experiences. According to a study, people from various fields like artists, athletes, chess players, musicians, engineers and doctors were interviewed about how they feel when they are doing what they enjoy. Their descriptions of enjoyment were similar in spite of the fact that their activities were varied.
During the state of enjoyment you often cease to be aware of anything outside the activity in which you are engaged. Self- consciousness and self-doubt disappear and you are likely to lose all awareness of time.
It is important to create rewarding experiences for yourself, to have an enjoyable atmosphere in which to engage in mental activities.
Any mental activity that “feel good” to you is a reward and will induce positive changes in the brain, ranging from the release of natural opiates to the consumption of more brain enhancing oxygen and nutrients. The memory created by these neural changes make it easier for you to engage in the mental activity the next you attempt it.

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