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Healthy habits for healthy lifestyle

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Staying healthy is one of the most important key to make our lifestyle good, fit and fine. All of us know about this, but nobody is following these habits and afterwards suffers from many dieses. Today’s young generation is taking junk food, processed food. By which, not only this impact on their digestive system, but also in their thinking pattern which becomes negative, creates an unnecessary thought. By doing exercise, one will have healthy body as well as healthy mind. Little effort can change your habits healthy.
When we see some people who has perfect body, bright and fresh face, it automatically impacts healthy mind set on us also, and we envy that body shape. Many of us think about having healthy lifestyle but fail to make efforts on healthy habits. For that first we have to think it is not hard at all and then take action. Make daily, weekly, quarterly, monthly, six monthly charts. Sleep early and get up early in the morning. Start your morning with daily basis chart. Give at least one hour for yourself only.

Here are some points which can change habits in a positive ways and helps to make lifestyle healthy.

*      Exercise daily
*      Drink more water
*      Early rise
*      Eat more salads and vegetables
*      Eat more fruits
*      Engage yourself in physical activities
*      Meditate daily at least 20 min.
*      Start some creative work
*      Do gardening and plantation
*      Go outside with family and friends
*      Always stay happy with what you have
*      Work hard for what you want
*      Create your own destiny
*      Be happy and smile
*      Be supportive with others
*      Laugh
*      Enjoy present moment

Friends create a life you want to live. Don’t think a lot, everything is possible, only we have to make some efforts.

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